Thunderbirds and Blue Angels Aerial Images and Video from America Stong!
America Strong is a nationwide series of flyovers that will occur coast-to-coast in the coming weeks. It is a collaborative salute from the Navy and Air Force to recognize healthcare workers, first responders, and other essential personnel while standing in solidarity with all Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The two teams kicked off Operation America Strong over New York City at 12 Noon on April 28th. Click Here for the unofficial list of cities where you might see flyovers occur! To get notified immediately when cities, dates, times and flight paths are released follow our Facebook page and be sure to select “See First” from the following tab.
Here are the aerial photos taken of the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels over Washington DC on Saturday, May 2nd. They include the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, the Pentagon and Nationals Park. Click a photo to enlarge it.
Ride w/ Blue Angel 4 over Baltimore
Aerial Photos over Washington DC
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The photos over New York City were taken by a team photographer from the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds from the back seat of Thunderbird 7’s F-16 photo chase plane and by the U.S. Army 2nd Aviation Detachment in a UH-72A Lakota helicopter. Click a photo to enlarge it.
Ride w/ Blue Angel 6 from take off to tanking over NYC
Aerial Photos over New York City
The photos over Philadelphia were taken by a team photographer from the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds from the back seat of Thunderbird 7’s F-16 photo chase plane. Click a photo to enlarge it.
Don Wright
May 3, 2020 1:04 amHowdy. When they come to Los Angeles, is there a radio channel we can monitor to listen in to the flight?
May 3, 2020 7:54 pmBest bet is to tune into a FB page of one of the network affiliates. They will likely FB live the flyover from their helicopters. You can also Click Here to follow our FB page as we will host a watch party for the flyover.
April 30, 2020 9:16 pmAbsolutely beautiful, energizing & uplifting!! ❤️
Owen Fuchs
April 29, 2020 4:52 pmtruly makes you proud to be a American……